Andrew turned 2 a week ago. He is a crazy little boy who loves to get into everything.
He loves dunking Barbie Dolls in the toilet to get their hair wet.
He loves to dump boxes of cereal on the floor.
He loves to draw with markers on everything in our house, especially the walls, floors, and furniture.
He thinks its great to wear Cassee's skirts around the house all day.
He loves to lift up Mommy's shirt and play with her belly button. He's been told that there's a baby in it, but will be very confused and surprised when Mommy's tummy deflates in a few weeks and there's a new little person taking the space on her lap.
He loves to bite, pinch, and scratch his siblings. (He's getting a head start to show who's boss so they don't beat him up first.)
His favorite words are Mommy, bye-bye, Cassee, pizza, ha (that means yes), dress, wet, and of course, no.
He's the best eater in the house, let's hope that doesn't change as he fully heads into his terrible two's. And since he's the best eater in the house, he's also been dubbed the pooping machine!
He loves to throw things and kick any ball he sees.
He now sleeps in his big boy toddler bed. Sometimes he stays in it, often he does not.
He went to the doctor today. He's a healthy, active little boy. He weighs 27.4 lbs and was 35.5 inches tall.
We all love Andrew and are glad he's in the family!!